Our Aims
Our Aims
We, the Holy Cross Sisters in India have the following educational aims:
Preferential attention to the under privileged such as girls, tribals, dalits, physically and mentally challenged is ensured at all levels.
- students
- become individuals with sound spiritual and moral values
- develop and strengthen their intellectual, emotional, physical and artistic abilities
- are able to think, reflect, assess and verbalize
- become self-reliant and independent to face life's challenges
- are conscientised on social issues with a sense of their role in forming a just society
- respect different religious and cultures
- love nature and strive for its preservation.
In order to achieve the above aims the following means are recommended for all our educational Institutions:
1. Have a Compassionate Leader
- committed to implement this Mission Statement together with the staff and the students
- fosters effective leadership in the school community, staffs, students and parents
- builds up team spirit in the Institution
- Networks with Holy Cross and other neighboring schools.
2. Revision of Policies
- Ensure that decisions on appointments, terminations, admissions, promotions, and fee concessions, be done by a local committee.
- Specify the roles of Manager/Secretary/ Principal/Vice Principal/ Supervisor/ Account.
- Have clear policies regarding admissions of the underprivileged and their care in our schools.
3. Staff
- Accepts our Mission Statement and Implements it.
- Ensures the use of more creative teaching-learning methods-activity based, Cooperative Learning, Joyful Burdenless Learning, Group study etc.
- Accompany students in their learning process.
4. Core Team
- Setting up of Core Team in each province and specify their jobs.
5. Follow up and Evaluation
- Plans are prepared at school/ province/ National levels.
Characteristics and Attitudes of a Prabhat Tara Student
1. Intellectual Development
- Ask questions to know why and how of things around them.
- Develop study skills.
- Develop a scientific attitude, is analytical, arrives at conclusion based on objective data and is committed to truth.
2. Personal Character
- Is free, spontaneous and joyful.
- Has learned to share one's knowledge, skills and time with others who need them.
- Is hard working and persevering has developed the inner strength to face tough and unforeseen situations of life.
3. Social Sensitivity and Culture
- Has learned to play and work cooperatively in a group.
- Is friendly not only to one's own classmates but also to others, is a friend of animals, birds, trees and the environment.
- Shows compassion to those at the margins of society. Contributes to build a school community healed of all divisions based on caste, religion, language, culture, sex or religion. Treats all as one's equal or as brothers and sisters.
4. Spiritual Orientation
- Prays to a loving God in trust.
- Prays for one's own needs and for the larger needs of the region, country and the world.
- Is hopeful and optimistic. Trusts others, believes in God's love and providence.
5. Health and Body Care
- Acquires habits of personal cleanliness.
- Keeps environment clean, develops, good food habits, is physically fit.
- Has learned to relax, to let go, has acquired knowledge of preventive measures and practices them.
Moral Training
The essentials of religion, the existence of God and the necessity of a moral life are taught to all the students.
Instruction of the Catholic religion is compulsory only for children of that faith.