Important Procedure
Important Procedure
Examination and Promotions
The whole year’s year’s performance will be considered for promotion besides the regular examination.
Absence from a subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit or rank in the examination.
The pupils are strictly forbidden to borrow instruments from their neighbours in the examination hall.
Copying, consultation and carrying answer slips to the examination hall will be liable to punishment, such as detention in the same class.
Pupils absent from examination and tests for any reason will not be Re-examined.
Promotion of a pupil prevented from appearing for the final examination due to illness will be decided on the progress shown during the year. A doctor’s certificate must be produced in case of illness. In any other case promotion will not be granted.
Promotion is decided at the Teacher’s Council, hence results are final and cannot be re-considered. Answer papers of annual examination will not be shown.
A student repeating the class will forfeit the fees concession, if any. A student who repeats the same class twice will not be allowed, in any case to continue in the same class for the third year.
The decision of the principal will be final in all cases and cannot be changed.
Admission and withdrawals
Children are ordinarily admitted in Montessori at the age of 4 and that is our entry point.
The admission formalities are notified on the school notice-board in February.
A calendar month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawal of a pupil, in lieu of which a month’s fee will be charged.
School leaving certificate will be given until all the sums due to the school have been paid.
School Uniform
Students must wear the School uniform daily. Parents are requested to sent their children dressed in full uniform. Students will wear house dress on Thursday. School blazer is compulsory for winter.
Important Declaration
I have read the rules and regulations of the school and I promise to abide by them and see that my ward also confirms to the standard required by her/him in conduct, study, dress and regularity.