The Begininngs
The Begininngs
The sisters of mercy of the Holy Cross entered the barren educational field of india's most backward state, Bihar in 1894. The first seed the sisters planted was in Bettiah in Champaran District. Soon that seed grew into a large tree in Bihar's undernourished educational field. This pattern of a small seed growing into a big welcoming shady tree is a pattern repeated across Bihar's educational fields as the family tree of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross itself grows and flourishes. The shadow of this family tree fell across the district of Muzaffarpur, when Sr. Relindis and Sr. Sigrid Voggel were sent by then Mission Superior Mother waldemar to start a school on june 28th 1950 at the request of Rev.Fr.Joe O'Brien S.J.
Rev.Fr.J.Meyer S.J. founded the school at muzaffarpur under His Lordship Augustine wildermuth S.J., The school was named Cabrini school. After the sisters took over ,the school was dedicated to the Morning Star ,Prabhat Tara. It was a big event for the children to see the sisters. They loved the sisters and liked to come to school. The school was a hut with three rooms. The new school was started on 1st july 1950 with a few students which soon increased to seventy.
In spite of living in a very poor condition sisters were happy and God was visibly with them. As the time went by more and more children came specially the little ones. Therefore a kindergarten had to be attached to the school. As the number of the students increased and the accommodation remained miserable ,a piece of land was purchased in 1953. Foundation of the new school building was laid in 1963 and the school building was completed in 1966. Sisters had been paying rent for 17 years for the house where they were staying. Finally sisters got the permission to buy that house in 1967.
Even though the foundation stone of the administrative building was laid in 1968, it took some months to start with the building as there was no money nor material, but got completed in 1969. Both the buildings got shape in the skilful hands of Sr. M. Eleonora Wetl.
Now Prabhat Tara school is housed in three spacious buildings with a strength of nearly 2500 students. The tiny seed struggled to grow and now has spread its strong branches in Muzaffarpur Town.
Starting of a Girls High School was the need of that time as girls education was totally neglected. With this in view we started the Girls High School and got the recognition for the Prabhat Tara Girls High School from Bihar Board of Secondary Education on 7th May 1976. After a long and tedious process we obtained the Minority Declaration of our school on 13th Dec. 1978. What Prabhat Tara is today is the fruit of the sweat of many self effacing sisters and benefactors to whom we are indebted.