Alumni Meet 2013
Distinguished members and Alumni of Prabhat Tara School A warm and Heartfelt greeting to you all it is indeed a great day in the history of prabhat tara school for the first prabhat tara school alumni meet has been organized I proof;undly thank Mr. Pratyay amrit a dynamic person good administrator and the arrange alumni meet and mr snjeev kumar who supporited mr. pratyay in this regard I am very much thrilled and delighted to see you all smile happlily sharing the old memories of the school days and relishihg the companionship.
You have come here from different part of india All of you holding the flag of prabhat tara school high in whatever field you are in prabhat tara school is proud of your achievement each one of ;you are well wished good ambassadors of prabhat tara school I thanks you for taking time out to be here and celebrate home coming.
Edited by Sr. Mary
Prabhat Tara CBSE School
Dear PTSites....,
finally it has happened.....For the first time in the 63 years old history of our school, a great Alumni meet has been organized. It all started when Rooma Ghosh from Kolkata somehow searched me on fb about a year ago. One by one Shraddha Kumar from Mumbai, Bulbul(Amrita) Majumdar from Muzaffarpur and myself came in contact and this idea originated. We decided that we will organize a combined re-union of the two related batches-batch of 1978 when the Boys passed class 7 and moved to other places(as from 8th onwards only girls were allowed) and the 1982 batch of class 10 and it would be a meet of both English and Hindi medium students. Then we started searching our batchmates...all tools were used...fb, phone, sms...some of the people had been in touch with each other...they introduced everyone with each other. Whew....it was quite a task recalling about batchmates whom we had not even heard from or met or seen for 20-30-35 years. But, somehow ...kadi se kadi judti gayi. Interestingly, Prtayay from Patna and Sanjeev Singh from Muzaffarpur were also simultaneously thinking of such a meet and had already talked to Sister Mary about this. Pratyay, Sanjeev, Pooja, Anjana were roped in and after telephonic conference calls the date was finalized and all other details were worked out. Pooja, Sanjeev, Bulbul, Vandana, Anjana did all the arrangemets in Muz with really great help from Prtyay. Shraddha, Usha Singh(Delhi), Rooma and myself took upon the task of shaping up the programme...It was just like school days...we had our arguments and fights... ( which went up till the D-day!) but just at the last moment we agreed miraculously...just like chuudhy-buddies!
Finally...we all arrived at Muzaffarpur on the 25th of May and had a great time making fun of each other( after all most of us had de-shaped in all these years)...and then suddenly crying and being senti. We all gathered at PTS campus at 5 pm. The campus was all decked up with welcome gate, flower decoration and sparkling lights. And when the teachers arrived( we had contacted and invited many of our teachers of that time) the excitement was palpable....Phillips Sir, Miss Rosy, Miss Marshal, Miss Shikha, Sir James, Sir Remy, Sister Thomas, Miss Fatima Chawla all were there. Everyone crowded around them and had pics with them. At 5.30 we all went up to the hall. Beautiful Rangoli had been decorated by the students on all the stairs. At the hall entry there were several teachers( who are currently teaching) , they welcomed us with Tilak and with our name badges. Flowers were sprinkled on us. The teachers sang a Prayer and hymns and Sister Mary, the Principal welcomed us. They had put up a tree there...and we all were asked to put lighted diyaas on the tree...it was so heart touching. Some girl students performed a beautiful dance.
Then, I took over. I sarted our part of the prgrm with a poem i had written especially for the event. Then several ex-PTSites shared their anecdotes about their time in the school. These rememberence speeches were interspersed with melodius numbers played on the saxophone by an artist from Patna. All alumni present spoke about their their post-PTS lives. Then....we started with the felicitation of the teachers. Shraddha sang a beautiful Guru Vandana. It was really heart warming...One by one the Teachers were escorted on to the stage and presented with bouquets and shawls. The honours was done by a different group of our batchmates each time. All the teachers got sentimental and they blessed us when they spoke. The felicitation part ended with all 36 of us singing together..''Ai Malik Tere Bande Hum"... it was soooo moving! Then, to end it on a musical note some of us performed with song renditions. Shraddha sang "Naam gum jaayega'' , I sang '' Zindagi ka safar'' , me and Shraddha sang a duet...'' Ik pyaar ka nagma hai, and Usha, Anupama and all the students together sang ''Chalte-chalte mere ye geet yaad rakhna''. We remembered our batchmate Dilbagh Singh who had left for heavenly abode about 4 years ago in Pune.
And, then, everyone went downstairs and had dinner in the same old Tiffin Hall. Next day we departed with tears in our eyes but with our hearts filled with cherishable moments and memories. The meet was a great success.......everyone put in their efforts. But special kudos to the local team of Sanjeev(hats off to him) , Pooja, Bulbul,Anjana and Vandana. Very special thanks to Pratyay for whatever he did, and appreciation for the original team of Rooma Ghosh the great, Shraddha Kumar the cool Dhoni type balancer of things! As i am travelling, and written this in a hurry....I might have missed mentioning someone or something....plz forgive me for that. Long live our beloved PTS !
Edited by Ramesh Modi
PTS Alumni
Alumni Meet 2013

Sl. No. | Name | Batch |
1. | Pratyay Amrit | 1982 |
2. | Ramesh Modi | 1982 |
3. | Tarun Madan | 1982 |
4. | Basant Singh | 1982 |
5. | Nishu Kamal | 1982 |
6. | Rajiv Ranjan | 1982 |
7. | Sanjay Paras | 1982 |
8. | Alok | 1982 |
9. | Jaleshwar | 1982 |
10. | Iftekhar | 1982 |
11 | Dipak Kiran | 1982 |
12 | Sanjeev | 1982 |
13 | Manoj | 1982 |
14 | Usha | 1982 |
15 | Rooma | 1982 |
16 | Amrita | 1982 |
17 | Anjana | 1982 |
18 | Pooja | 1982 |
19 | Vandana | 1982 |
20 | Rashmi | 1982 |
21 | Niru | 1982 |
22 | Neena | 1982 |
23 | Madhu | 1982 |
24 | Shradha | 1982 |
25 | Kiran Jha | 1982 |
26 | Manju | 1982 |
27 | Kiran Kumari | 1982 |
28 | Chanda | 1982 |
29 | Veena | 1982 |
30 | Vasundhara | 1982 |
31 | Deepshikha | 1982 |
32 | Anupama | 1982 |
33 | Mebice Peter | 1982 |
34 | Monica | 1982 |
35 | Beena Rani | 1982 |
36 | Meena | 1982 |