Message for Students
Message for Students
- Make a routine for yourself so that your life is in order. Have a fixed time for going to bed, for rising, for study, games etc.
- Divide your study hours so that time is fixed for Doing home work.
- Revising the matter covered in class.
- Doing some extra reading daily as to finish at least one English and Hindi book in a month. It is compulsory to read 12 English and 6 Hindi supplementary books in a year.
- Try to revise what has been taught in the class daily and once in a week try to revise all that has been taught during the week.
- Work out many examples in order to improve your Mathematics.
- Daily see that your notes are in order and complete.
- In class Students Should be quiet in class and pay attention to what is being taught.
- When you do not understand what is taught politely ask the teacher to explain the matter again.
- Be eager to be questioned in class. When ever questions are asked in class even to other, always try to answer it in your mind and show your hand. When the correct answer is given, compare it with your own. This will make you mentally active.