Message for Parents
Message for Parents
- Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity, punctuality and sense of discipline in their children.
- If a pupil is absent due to illness the principal should be informed at the earliest. Explanation of absence more than three days should be written in the form of leave application. If a student absents her self/himself for ten days without prior information her/his name will be struck off from the register.
- Application for T.C should be submitted three days prior to date. The correspondence concerning any pupil must bear clearly the name, class and section.
- Sign the occasional reports notified by the school authorities.
- Parents/guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview the teachers during the school hours. An appointment can be made through the principal to see the teachers.
- The school does not accept the responsibility for the loss of books, money etc. It is not advisable to bring valuable things to school.
- Parent’s should take care of the home work given to the children and send them to school well prepared and in time.
- Parents are requested to meet the teacher at least once a month (Second Saturday) in regard to their child’s progress in studies.
- The school diary is a compulsory item for each pupil which will serve the purpose for report from the teachers. Parents are requested to sign. This to confirm that they have checked it. Any complaint should be made in the diary only.
- The escort should reach the school ten mintues before the school is over and wait for the children in the tiffin hall. This will prevents the children going away alone after class. The school is responsible to take care of the student only during school hours.
- School matters should not be discussed on phone.
- Applications for change in date of birth will not be entertained.